Ideas I want to write about
2. Wolf
- Attributes : Wolves are known for their intelligence, strategic thinking, and strong sense of community. They are adaptable, thrive in packs, and are skilled in balancing leadership and teamwork. Wolves also have a keen sense of awareness and are always prepared.
- Why it Suits You : Your background in startups and ability to wear many hats
Christopher Deuda added 2d
Spirit Animal
2. Tiger
- Attributes : The tiger embodies courage, strength, and ferocity. It represents a warrior spirit that is ready to face any challenge with boldness and unrelenting focus.
- Why It Suits Samurai and Ninja : The tiger’s fierce and decisive nature aligns with the samurai’s ability to take bold action in battle. For ninja, it symbolizes the coura
Christopher Deuda added 2d
Christopher Deuda added 2d
The thoughts on ego if it have a shape what it is
Christopher Deuda added 3d
Ideas related to this collection