idea generation
Find the best ingredients possible to ferment into great ideas, and aggressively prune everything you don’t want your brain to process. Give your brain the boredom and output time it needs to figure out what to do with that information. Don’t keep opening the jar and packing more into it. Finally, be patient with the process. The more you can reduc... See more
Nat Eliason • The Art of Fermenting Great Ideas
If you want great ideas, you must remove all the bad ingredients. Outrage, information you don’t care about or can’t act on, trivia, fluff. Obviously, you should keep some fun in your life.
Nat Eliason • The Art of Fermenting Great Ideas
Thread by @patio11: "Some people really benefit from hearing advice that everyone knows, for the same reason we keep schools open despite every subject in them h […]"
Thread Readerthreadreaderapp.comStart somewhere bad to get somewhere good. A few weeks ago, I interviewed psychologist Adam Alter about his book Anatomy of a Breakthrough . In it, he writes about the “creative cliff illusion,” the notion that good creative ideas will either come quickly or not at all. Unfortunately, our intuition has that one approximately backward. In studies of... See more
David Epstein • Pour Out Lesser Ideas to Get to Great Ones
The Idea compass: A good tool to use for idea generation, reading comprehension, and note-taking