how I’d build a startup
Bryce Roberts describing Soleio:
The "culture of Soleio” seems to contain a bunch of contradictions — care for craft with an obsession for speed. A clearly massive ambition coupled with a desire to be a “trim boat” that can be lean and focused.
Shaan Puri • My First Million on Apple Podcasts
AI is not software. You can think of it as digital employees. Once you do that, the possibilites of what you can do become a lot more real.
Andrew from tiny talked about this in this podcast — Your AI Executive Assistant
lindy.aiOne of function of the artist is to move into the realm of the unknown real and must explore beyond convention, the boundary or expectation. They cannot simply operate within the realm of the understood, the explainable and quantifiable. They must fearlessly venture beyond these things and bring what some of what they find to the surface. When they
... See morePlaces to launch an app idea
State clearly who this investment is not suited for and what the risks are to them. Be incredibly precise in everything like Sun Microsystems Business Plan and Ogilvy lessons.
Repeat the mission over and over.
Repeat the yearly goals over and over.
Repeat the quarterly goals over and over.
Say it so many times, the team tells you to stop saying it and then keep saying it. It needs to become like a reflex.
- Lesson learnt after Dao asked me what our goals were and I didn’t know the details.
“Strategy is accepting that you are doing something better than the other and the other is doing something better than you. You have to pick your fight.”
- Axel Dumas, CEO of Hermes