hopeful digital futures
tiny internets is a research inquiry attempting to answer the question:
And also
What does a more natural, soft, and quiet internet look like, one where the public spaces are actively shaped by us to not only use but live in?
And also
How do we facilitate serendipitous intimacy on the internet?... See more
How do we make people aware that they are co-inhabiting a space
Patricia Mou โข [non-paywalled issue] The Rabbit Hole ๐ณ๐ issue no.34
I must hope that those who barely remember life before the internet, or never knew it at all, will find their way through the dazzle and disappointments of technology, the seductions and the traps. I have to trust that, as they await future wonders, they will also look back to see the world as it was before this moment of the internet, and find gui... See more
tiny internets: sidewalks, geocaching, and more ยท tiny internets
coda.ioThe Syllabus
the-syllabus.comIdeas related to this collection