Three ways you unconsciously sabotage yourself:
1 Being afraid of conflict creates conflict in yourself
2 Being afraid of failure makes you play it safe (and then feel like a failure)
3 Being afraid of being alone makes you stay in relationships where you feel alone
Most people never experience what it is like to be with someone that allows them to speak without
1. Judging you
2. Trying to fix you
3. Trying to help you
4. Trying to defend themselves
It can be a beautiful, psychoactive experience.
But the point is: you have to loosen some constraints to give yourself a chance at solving the key problems: they are hard enough in themselves. If you impose as many constraints on yourself as the average person does, the likelihood that you will pull off what is most central to you approaches zero. So, seek clarity on which constraints are real a... See more
Henrik Karlsson • An essay in which my friend feels stuck and I suggest relaxing some constraints
Being in and of the world can be bewildering, but is there a way in which we can allow that to open out into a more spacious dimension in which bewilderment might become wonderment?... See more
Profoundly inspired human beings have peered into the question of existence since the inception of recorded history. Human genius has propounded philosophies and mystica
Sasha Chapin • As sweet as razor blade honey
“I succumbed,” she said. “I stopped denying the wounds and felt them, felt their width and breadth. Pain can be clarifying. If you are able to feel it...the pain itself will tell you what to do.”... See more
I looked out of the window, feeling disappointed and empty. This was not the answer I had come for. I wanted something else, some other formula or techniqu