good emails

just really effing good emails - many of them are cold emails

by sari and · updated 3mo ago

  • Preview of f4f64630-jpeg

    sari added 3mo ago

  • Preview of 8c6d41ac-jpeg

    andrea added 5mo ago

  • andrea added 5mo ago

  • from Advice to Young People, the Lies I Tell Myself¶ by Jason Liu

    Alara added 5mo ago

  • from How to be More Agentic by Cate Hall

    sari added 6mo ago

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-taraviswanathan-status-1690022181135138819

    andrea added 6mo ago

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-brentbeshore-status-1730268013436232058

    andrea added 7mo ago

  • Thumbnail of x-com-rorowonders-status-1725637566030872740

    andrea added 8mo ago

  • Preview of pm-png-809c

    sari added 10mo ago

  • Preview of am-png-b890

    sari added 10mo ago