Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships
Robin Dunbar • 1 highlight
amazon.comHome - BELONG: Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life
Radha Agrawal • 3 highlights
belongbook.comI guess if we’re talking about joy, writing, and being a fully rendered person in the world, my main sources of liveliness are so human and obvious they might seem facile: 1) loving the people I love with full throttle abandon – my guy, our kids, my mom and dad, our gaggle of brothers, my army of girlfriends. So that’s advice, maybe: make as many g... See more
Rachel DeWoskin Tells Us
From The Lily comics archives: Why are adult friendships so hard to make (and keep)? “It can be really difficult to find someone who vibes with you,” writes cartoonist @kagwheeler. Plus, she continues, “We may not have the same opportunities to make new friends that were available to us in school or at that terrible bar gig.” Read more through the link in our bio. #wapocomics
instagram.coma handshake vs. a hug ❤️