everything is a conversation
treat the tweets on your timeline as if they are messages in your inbox personally sent to you, and reply like how you’d reply to a friend sending that message
I’ve just tried to be honest about who I am, what I want, and what I believe to be true about the littl... See more
Dan Shipper • Every’s Master Plan
Benjamin Life • Tweet
“I am a series of small victories and large defeats and I am as amazed as any other that I have gotten from there to here.”
-Charles Bukowski
Emmett Shear • Tweet
One thing I know about writing is that you do not have to be in the mood to do it. Being in the mood to write, like being in the mood to make love, is a luxury that isn’t necessary in a long-term relationship. Just as the first caress can lead to a change of heart, the first sentence, however tentative and awkward, can lead to a desire to go just a
... See moreJulia Cameron • The Right to Write
hinterlander • Tweet
Like Robinson Crusoe, we are finding footprints on the sandy shore of what had sometimes seemed a lonely, desert island; and, like hon, we are increasingly eager to meet our brother. Indeed, our century is a dangerous one to be alive in, but it is an expectant one as well. Shall we "search and destroy," or shall we engage in dialogue?