Your everyday beta knowing feels like, hey here’s a knowledge I found, let us rotate and consider this sparkling, clearly-defined concept. Theta’s not like that. Theta knowing extends with no clear edge, even implicating you, whether you want it or not you’re part of the knowledge like some inseparable field and wave.
That is, they understand the purpose of chatbots and generative models to be the ability to force other people to see a particular version of reality. It is a tool of power that masquerades as a tool of knowledge.
How could gaining knowledge amount to anything other than discovering what was already there? How could the truth of a statement or a theory be anything but its correspondence to facts that were fixed before we started investigating them?
Some philosophers have argued that, despite widespread intuitions to the contrary, knowledge is not merely a mat... See more
To have a "standpoint" means to be able to not only experience the harms of a social or political system, but to recognize the ways in which that system interacts with one's identity. While "lived experience" can be personal and reasonably unreflective, standpoint epistemology is a position of knowing "earned" through intentional analysis.
EP.09 Maggie Appleton on digital gardening by Reverb by Sane