Emotional Ergonomics
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • The World's Most Satisfying Checkbox
You see — if software is to have soul, it must feel more like the world around it. Which is the biggest clue of all that feeling is what’s missing from today’s software. Because the value of the tools, objects, and artworks that we as humans have surrounded ourselves with for thousands of years goes so far beyond their functionality. In many ways,
... See moreThe Browser Company • Optimizing for Feelings
2. I write for readers like me. I dislike a lot of the current trends in books. I think they dumb down t... See more
Paul Millerd • Tweet
Couture computing—and what happens when you have AI augmenting your hobbies and natural abilities?
Using AI to Talk to the Dead
Some people are using artificial intelligence chatbots to create avatars of departed loved ones.
Dr. Stephenie Lucas Oney is 75, but she still turns to her father, William Lucas, for advice. How did he deal with racism, she wonders. How did he succeed when the odds were stacked against him? The answers are rooted upon William Lucas’s experiences as a Black man, from Harlem, who made his living as a police officer, FBI agent and judge.
Oney listens to the answers, delivered in her father’s voice, on her phone, through an app powered by artificial intelligence. It generates responses based on hours of interviews conducted with William Lucas before he died, in May 2022.

The final edge we have over language models is that we can prove we're real humans by showing up IRL with our real human bodies. We can arrange to meet Twitter mutuals offline over coffee. We can organise meetups and events and conferences and unconferences and hangouts and pub nights.
Markets for Lemons and the Great Logging Off, Lars Douce
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