dreaming of a better internet
sari and
dreaming of a better internet
sari and
It might seem that the close coupling of digital innovation with the market was inevitable, but our present reality is only one possible digital world — creating others is still possible, and there is little time to waste.
Discussing the long arc of tech; and why optimism.
- being connected to information; then being connected to people; then machines start to own the spaces
- social media is judging all the time
- we now gravitate toward technologies which are more isiolationist
YES. I don’t want to read everything, I just want to return to the best things over and over again. Or, like Oprah once said: “I don’t have any new lessons. But I often think that it’s not the new lessons as much as it is, really, learning the old ones again and again.”
"We choose to build a second brain because it lets us garden our thinking over days, months, and years. Where social media is compulsive, tools for thought are reflective. Where social media is here and now, tools for thought dwell in the long now. Tools for thought slowly build compounding momentum through low, slow feedback loops that point us in
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