do less to do more

The greatest lie I ever told myself was that expertise would set me free. It's a peculiar form of self-deception, this notion that mastery somehow equals liberation. I've spent the better part of my life accumulating knowledge like a magpie hoarding bottle caps, only to discover that knowing exactly what I'm doing has become the intellectual equiva
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Leland Maschmeyer
“firstly, because i feel the need more and more to go deeper to the things and themes i am obsessed about for a long time, the ones that don’t go away. Secondly. because i also tend to scramble and get pulled into new interest quickly, being curious is a blessing but can be also an overwhelming curse. What i am doing now is revisiting and actually
... See moreTransformational ideas for software—the ones that could become huge businesses and change the world—are rare and hard to spot. Even when they do work out, they often take tremendous effort and require an appetite for risk.
In contrast, incremental improvements to existing software are far easier to find . If you’re opinionated a... See more
For your next side project, make a browser extension
"Genius has the fewest moving parts." – Nick Sleep
You really want to do everything with quality as that is where the satisfaction and peace is." – Nick Sleep
Inspired by Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." – Nick Sleep quoting William James
“Take a simple idea and take it seriously” - Charlie Munger
Do at least 10 pushups everyday
Save 10% of your income
Send a thank you note
Only eat whole foods
Buy a ticket for you and friend to every festival you want to go to
Get a job at your favourite place
Study just one person deeply
Only talk about writing
Read books and share all your notes