
by juarry · updated 24d ago

  • juarry added 24d ago

  • from #172: Trick questions by Haley Nahman

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from Total Freedom by J. Krishnamurti

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from The Business Romantic by Tim Leberecht

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from The Business Romantic by Tim Leberecht

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from Oppression and Liberty by Simone Weil

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • from What the Mind Has to Do With the Climate Crisis by Christine Wamsler

    juarry added 3mo ago

  • Ideas related to this collection