creativity > productivity
L. M. Sacasas • The Art of Living
this is so spot on and well articulated.
we need to go back to a culture that values creativity and artful living more than productivity. it’s only in very recent history that we began to prioritize productivity and efficiency over meaning - architecture is the best example.
going quite a bit faster when you’re going slowly is a really big gain. Going very fast when you’re already going fast is the action of a dickhead.
You may think that if your studio is tidy, it will free you up to be more efficient, and therefore, you will produce more. Maybe that will help you in the execution stage of your work if you’re, say, a printmaker pulling prints, but it won’t help you come up with an interesting design for the next print. It’s always a mistake to equate productivity
... See more“The secret of life is to waste time in ways that you like.“
They bring an achievement mindset into an activity that has been engineered to produce delightful striving.
Dont aim for better ways to get through a task. Instead look for projects you never wanna stop doing. Surrender to your nature.