ii. 1/3 Concrete - tuning in to reality and senses and self
or by the spirit of addiction
or by the spirit of comparison
or by the spirit of unmet expectations
or by the spirit of arrogance
or by the spirit of self-pity or self-loathing
or pulled down by the spirit of a world that will break your heart and tell you it doesn’t matter (I myself have f... See more
Healing is an endless process.
Our life is the chance to work on it. Heal our selves so we can heal others.
And there will always be something else or something more complex in you that requires that healing attention. Even the self righteousness that can come with “I’m a good person and doing the work”.
The Zen master Ling Chi said that the miracle is not to walk on burning charcoal or in the thin air or on the water; the miracle is just to walk on earth. You breath... See more
Thich Nhat Hanh • Rest In the River
walking meditation
thich nhat hanh
Buddha - The past is gone. The future is not yet here. …The present moment is the only moment you can tough life. Life is available only in the present moment.
Similar practice with other senses - be in the miracle of sight, of sound, of touch, your breath, your functioning heart…
We can do this without effort. Like the pebble in the river
It will reach the bed of the river without any effort. Once the pebble is at the bottom of the river, it continues to rest. It allows the water to pass by.
I think the pebble reaches the bed of the river by the shortest path because it allows itself to ... See more
Thich Nhat Hanh • Rest In the River
1/1 Meditation guidance - allow rest. Like a pebble in. river
“It is very important to realize that we have the habit energy of struggling.”
Start with simply the pleasure of walking or sitting. Feel that pleasure, and notice the habit energy creep in .
Thich Nhat Hanh - Lion’s Roar
Working with senses:
ex. With sound - my body takes it in and reacts to it. My reaction is the practice, the meditation. The sound is just happening in the field. If I get mad, frustrated, scared, delighted, that’s mine. Not the world’s, not the field’s.
At causal level - its realizing that the sound is just arising in the field of awareness. Its an
... See moreClear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results
Good summation of modern existence. We think we’re protagonists and authors, we’re really spectators and flotsam carried by our conditioning
“Your calendar is the most honest autobiography you'll ever write.
It doesn't matter what you say your priorities are; your calendar reveals the truth. Each block is a decision about what matters, stripped of pretense and rationalization.
Your calendar isn't just recording your time—it's exposing your lies.”
Farnam Street - Shane Parrish
Uncover the truth, don’t trust what you think and say, look for the artifacts of your actions, of how you spent your time.
PRACTICE: Gratitude (concrete and subtle)
Pair up with someone you trust and have a relationship with
Take 4 minutes
back and forth sitting across from each other finish the stem: “I’m grateful for…”
Doesn’t matter what we say - share whatever comes through. See where it goes in 4 minutes.
Rachel Karten • Great Campaigns Start With Great Copy
Part of the problem - we let others tell us who we are, define us. A brand can’t tell you who you are, but it can influence you to think you’re someone who buys their shit.
No one benefits from you scrolling on your phone and feeling sad and then going to Starbucks.... See more
The antidote is figuring out what you care about, what you're good at, and what you like doing that can make the world a little bit better.
Then, really do that thing.
You can’t do everything, but there are a few things you can do really well. You have to
Alex Dobrenko • No one benefits from you scrolling and feeling sad
Part of the first steps. Go inward, have the courage to ask the questions and sit with not knowing. You must experience life in order to know. Not watch it like a spectator.

Intention attention and repitition
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