You should compete against what someone else could be doing, not just what you can see people doing.”
Lenny Rachitsky • Business Building - A collection on Sublime
There’s a peculiar enjoyment for a humanist, in matching up with peers at Ivy League schools, and seeing if you can beat them to the buzzer, so to speak. These contests, now a distant memory from my youth, are the only times in my life when I competed in a genuine matchup in the world of arts and culture with results tabulated in real-time competit... See more
Ted Gioia • When the Olympics Gave Medals to Artists
If there is competition at the core of a person’s interpersonal relationships, he will not be able to escape interpersonal relationship problems or escape misfortune. YOUTH: Why not? PHILOSOPHER: Because at the end of a competition, there are winners and losers.
Ichiro Kishimi • The Courage to Be Disliked
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