Cognitive Revolutions
Tim Urban • Page Not Found — Wait But Why
Tom White • Curation as a Cure
How to Find the Frontiers of Knowledge | Samo Burja
samoburja.comKnowledge expands in a fractal manner. All the new knowledge is found in the cracks that are on the edge of the ever-expanding plane.
To study in crystallized fields, seek out institutions. Communities of practice in new fields.
How Running A Business Changes The Way You Think | Kalzumeus Software
kalzumeus.comI've probably repeated this one enough.
Excerpt: “Companies are legal fictions which we find convenient to use to move capital around and balance accounting ledgers.“
The board revolt at OpenAI reminds me of my favorite idea from Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens.
The idea of the imagined intersubjective order. Companies are concepts of our collective imaginations. We call them legal entities and assign liability to them. They can be a vehicle for capturing value created by humans. They receive tax assessments. They can even be sued — absolving the people in charge of direct responsibility.
Yet, a company can be dissolved and reincarnated elsewhere by having the employees simply say they resigned and have moved to a new company. And that's how we keep lawyers employed. Tricks of our own cognition.
Mathematics is a an abstraction and it is best broadcast using mathematical notation (a form of writing).
The permanence of sand drawings seem to be the limiting factor here.
Excerpt: “To appreciate how revolutionary Ascher’s perspective was, consider that before her work and that of her contemporaries, scholars generally assumed that only societies with writing could truly practice mathematics. They constrained their investigations of mathematical knowledge to textual sources and ignored many other practices seen in societies with oral traditions that did not use a written language.“