Change is the Only Constant
The world around you is built by your thoughts. If you want the world around you to change, change the way you think about the world around you.
A Mole Infiltrated the Highest Ranks of American Militias. This Is What He Found.
Joshua Kaplanpropublica.orgFascinating
How does one prepare for a reorganization of the way we organize as a society? Culture? Nation? Species? How many OTHERs will be lost in the process?
It’s important to say what hope is not: it is not the belief that everything was, is, or will be fine. The evidence is all around us of tremendous suffering and tremendous destruction. The hope I’m interested in is about broad perspectives with specific possibilities, ones that invite or demand that we act.
Rebecca Solnit • Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
If your loved ones wondered how much you value them, now they know.
youtu.beOoomph. Liberal rage, but kiiiinda justified.
I wish, sometimes, briefly, I wasn’t so aware, informed, sensitive, self important, arrogant, compassionate, and (obviously) emotional. It is very painful to be a highly sensitive person. I’ve spent many years actually trying to dumb/numb/slow myself down.
I call this the high price of awareness.
I wonder what the experience of life is like for all t
... See • Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed
Dismayed. Disillusioned. Disenfranchised. Depressed.
Struggling to understand