Caring economy
Leslie J Borrell and
Caring economy
Leslie J Borrell and
Leslie J Borrell added 1y
Sarah Drinkwater added 1y
Stuart Evans added 1y
linda and added 1y
“If we’re going to change our culture, we have to change our narrative. That’s what it comes down to. We have to change the mental model that our brains are using to make sense of the world.” —Trabian Shorters, founder of @bmecommunity Find a link in our bio to listen to Trabian’s full On Being conversation with Krista: A Cognitive Skill to Magnify Humanity. #onbeing #newsletter #summer #pause #wisdom #recommended #subscribe #spirituality #kristatippett #trabianshorters #assetframing #bmecommunity
instagram.comLeslie J Borrell added 1y
Stuart Evans added 1y
linda added 4mo
Leslie J Borrell added 9mo
Leslie J Borrell added 1y
Stuart Evans and added 1y