• from Cultural Dopes by GD Dess

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • from A Soft Manifesto by Cortney Cassidy

    sari added 1y ago

  • from Why Everything Is Becoming a Game by Gurwinder

    simon added 2mo ago

  • from The First Big Antitrust Trial of the Century Is About to Start by Matt Stoller

    Faith Hahn added 9mo ago

  • from How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them by Patrick Rucker

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • from Unframing the Future by Thomas Klaffke

    simon added 5mo ago

  • from The Tyranny Of Time by noemamag.com

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from The enshittification of dating apps

    Tara McMullin added 2mo ago

  • from The Imaginal World — RITONA // A Beautiful Resistance by Rhyd Wildermuth

    Stuart Evans added 10mo ago