You might say, “But, John, let’s get real: there was no real revolution, this reaction is all just an overreaction.” Yes, but I think Marx is right when he says the bourgeoisie “judges more correctly than so-called socialism knows how to judge itself…” Technology was and is creating a huge social upheaval that potentially threatens them and they sa... See more
Revolution. What I now understand it to be historically is a rebirth of the New Left. So it’s very analogous. I’ve spent a lot of time talking to David Horowitz about this because he lived through it 40 years earlier.
It turned out to be a coalition of economic radicals, and this was the rise of Bernie Sanders, but the kids turned on capitalism in a... See more
It turned out to be a coalition of economic radicals, and this was the rise of Bernie Sanders, but the kids turned on capitalism in a... See more
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