Building newthings
Ava • Making Things Is Hard
There is no heaven for newthings. There is no Hall of Fame. There is only memory and change. Nothing (the opposite of newthing) and no one are immune. The goal of newthing is to live as long as possible while staying true. To do this, newthing must counterintuitively accept that one day it will die. If newthing accepts the certainty of death, howev
... See moreNewthings have a proven proclivity to attract people who love money. When these people get their hands on a newthing, everything that makes the newthing beautiful and elegant and true to its essence will be challenged down to the penny. People who love money love money more than they love the newthing. But newthings need money too, especially at th
... See moreAh newthing, we think. I know what you are. Making you will be easy. The path is straight and sure. The newthing hears your boasts and does not react, but knows how much you have to learn. As you build the newthing you will discover that building a newthing is a strange act where the harder you go about trying to do it, the harder it becomes. It wi
... See moreLeave the newthing unattended too soon and you risk it serving purposes you did not intend and might not be in its best interests. Hold the controls too tightly and you risk denying the newthing what it wishes to be and where its purpose is best served.
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