
by Yufa and · updated 5mo ago

  • from Why Buddhism Is True by Robert Wright

    simon added 5mo ago

  • simon added 5mo ago

  • from The Fullness of the Ground: A Guide to Embodied Awakening by Ph.D Judith Blackstone

    Timour Kosters added 5mo ago

  • from The Fullness of the Ground: A Guide to Embodied Awakening by Ph.D Judith Blackstone

    Timour Kosters added 5mo ago

  • from Nirvana and Samsara Are the Same Thing - Sounds True

    Faith Hahn added 9mo ago

  • from Nirvana and Samsara Are the Same Thing - Sounds True

    Faith Hahn added 9mo ago

  • The Vedic metaphor of Indra’s Net

    by Rajiv Malhotra

    3 highlights

    Tanuj added 2y ago

  • Everlasting Ubuntu as a way of life

    by TheGentleProject

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of Everlasting Ubuntu as a way of life

    Tanuj added 2y ago

  • Optimistic Nihilism

    11 highlights

    Tanuj added 2y ago