Brand Storytelling and Positioning
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Brand Storytelling and Positioning
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people don’t buy products when they understand them. they buy products when they feel understood.
Fantastic advice, for software builders:
Headline driven development
Here is a simple process for shipping software projects that works. First, decompose the project into a stream1 of headlines. Then pick an aggressive date to ship the first headline and work like hell to meet that date. Have everyone work only on one headline at a time– the upcomi
... See moreRory Sutherland on Lenny’s Podcast:
Products like Meta Portal TV, Google Glass, Japanese toilets, and wine boxes were amazing products but something about the timing or the marketing was wrong and the consumer never bit
Rory on Japanese toilets: “I think it’s barbaric that the Western Hemisphere dry wipes.”
The reason most people adopt new technology
Positioning : Storytelling : Messaging Hooray, you’re building a brand new product and are ready to get in front of your customer! Or you’re already talking to customers but they’re not converting because they don’t know why they should buy your product vs an existing one! Or you’ve just pivote... getting the right positioning for your startup is more challenging than getting to the product itself.
“Often it’s not that you don’t know who the customer is, it’s that you’re not picking — you haven’t committed to one hypothesis over the other. That’s what creates the confusion about what the product is, what the feature set looks like,
... See moreWe’ve gotten so damn good at making products with good physical attributes that the commercial war of the future will be about identity rather than value —Iannaccone