Art, interiors, objects
Art, interiors, objects
1/3 'Merry Maidens', Oil on canvas, 470x180cm @cookelathamgallery
instagram.comMy solo show ‘Salt in the throat’ at @kasmingallery closes in two days ❤️ I am so grateful for all the support and love. If you’re in New York, go see it. If you’re not in New York, that’s weird and not my fault xxxxx Uninhibited view Oil on linen 80 x 90 inches (203.2 x 228.6 cm) 2024
instagram.comPeople often inquire, “Has becoming a parent influenced your work?” and honestly, it has enriched my practice in numerous ways. My daughter, who is now three, has an ever-expanding curiosity about the world, asking questions, particularly the ever-present “Why, Mommy?” She truly inspires my thought process. While I don’t view my work as inherently personal, I perceive the women I depict as embodying universal themes. However, it was my daughter’s inquisitive nature that sparked the idea for this painting. She once asked me, “What is yesterday, Mommy?” 💛 “Yesterday” Oil on Canvas @marianneboeskygallery Photo Credit: Pierre Le Hors“I think of beauty as an absolute necessity. I don’t think it’s a privilege or an indulgence, it’s not even a quest. I think it’s almost like knowledge, which is to say, it’s what we were born for. I think finding, incorporating and then representing beauty is what humans do. With or without authorities telling us what it is, I think it would exist
... See moreExtraordinary imagination. Extraordinary execution. Extraordinary compostion and finesse. “Keep The Moon Amongst Ourselves”. Artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye‘s @lynetteyiadomboakye fantastic solo exhibition of extraordinary new paintings and drawings @corvimora gallery. Beyond!
instagram.comEn i vår tycke mästare i realism - Joakim Johansson. Detaljrikedomen är precis och skulle nästan kunna kallas fotografisk funktionalismkonst. I vilket fall är hans tavlor otroligt snygga på väggen! Butiken tuffar på och öppnar sedvanligt tor/fre 13-18 & lör/sön 12-16. Alla varmt välkomna!🤗 #mackenifinntorp#konst#art#joakimjohanssonkonstnär#liljevalchs#homestyling#interior#måleri#konstnär#artist#gallery#slowdeco#
instagram.comI love a good pair. Pendants by Mario Botta for Artemide. Designed and manufactured in Italy, circa the 1980s. Qty 2. Available from @rewirela
instagram.comQuiet moments in transit . . . . . #Ethiopia #addisababa#streetsofaddis #Sonyalpha #worldviewmag #africa #travelhabesha#streetclassics #streetdreamsmag #photocinematica #agameoftones #yourshotphotographer