Authenticity is the new currency
When being real is your priority, the various parts of your life start to groove. Your career will begin to reflect your true passion; your living room will match your values; your friends will fit your soul; and your wealth—of which there are many definitions—will start to measure up with your notion of freedom. Sometimes the courage to be true to
... See moreDanielle LaPorte • The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms
Christina Rosalie • 5 Ways To Cultivate An Emergent Mindset
This constant march into the unknown would not exist without the simultaneous sharing of millions of divergent points of view. Expressing oneself in the world and creativity are the same. It may not be possible to know who you are without somehow expressing it.
Rick Rubin • The Creative Act: A Way of Being
"Believe those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it."
— André Gide
Imagination is the one faculty you have that comes closest to God.
Osho • Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within (Osho Insights for a New Way of Living)
“You are consciousness dressed in form, my love. Consciousness is divine. Matter is divine. Creation is divine. Everything is divine. Are you somehow the only exception?”
Martha Beck • Diana, Herself
From James Clear's 3-2-1 Email: The work required to be happy, and important lessons that aren't taught in school
... See moreMany people won't attempt something unless they can find an example of someone else who is already doing it. Rely on this type of thinking too much and you'll never do anything interesting.
Your path through life is unique. It is importan
Daniel Langer • The Luxury Trap: Why it’s a Mistake to Define Luxury By Price
This is more difficult, because there is no zeitgeist to read, no template to follow, no mask to wear. Set aside what y... See more