Alternative Medicine
sari and
Alternative Medicine
sari and
MargaretC • 9 cards
A new therapy for Ukraine’s scarred soldiers: ketamine from TheEconomist
Do all of these before moving to talking therapy.
1. Basic health stuff. Regular exercise, healthy diet. That stuff. (That alone doesn't do much, but you need vitamins and proteins and stuff to repair the cellular damage done by nervous system dysregulation)
2. Neurostimulation (thoughts, yoga, nature, Feldenkrais, and stuff. Basically letting the brain and and know you are going to learn something soon, get ready, wake up
3. Neuromodulation (Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Practice, and stuff, letting out all the trauma)
4. Neurorelaxation (a lot of sleep and downtime after you release trauma – you can now be regulated)
5. Neurodifferentiation/ Learning (Which is basically where talk therapy would belong)