On the other side of creative aliveness, there is flatness. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, about what happens when our worlds go flat. The dynamism we lose, the emotional urges we suppress, the original impulses we become too afraid to nurture.
On the running path recently, a song came on. It was by Eminem. His music is not my choice for ... See more
mel is spot-on. a critical part of reaching this stage of self-development and joyful discipline is truly, truly understanding what you actually like and what you actually value. there is often a chasm between our authentic self and our lived self
✨ let’s talk a little about how to close that gap ✨
knowing yourself is the first step, imo, to act... See more
Confession: I’m being extremely selfish here
I’ve found that my deepest and most nourishing friendships are with people who are in touch with their feelings and bodies, who can feel their Calling, and who can sense that Life and Value matter
My entire Twitter presence is aimed at finding more people like that, and as much as possible, seducing mo... See more
It is your aliveness that matters. Perhaps it is the only thing that matters. If any method is not getting you closer to that fundamental expression of a aliveness that method is not really serving you regardless of how strong or old it's practices;
a common misconception about going deep in a subject and researching it day in and day out is that its novelty will wear off. it doesn't wear off, but your perspective on novelty changes. for a novice, novelty is newness. for an expert, novelty is nuance.