a practice
Well, you need dirt to grow plants. A farmer I admire once wrote that 90% of his job was dirt management. Manage the dirt well and the plants grow themselves.
The Nonwriter's Guide to Writing A Lot
it’s not done because it’s perfect. It’s done because it’s done.
Writer Haley Mlotek on standing by your work – The Creative Independent
We live in this place, in this world, where we can share our words but not our thoughts.
In Mieko Kawakami’s “Breasts and Eggs,” Oppression and Dissent Begin at Women’s Bodies - Words Without Borders
but writing, in many ways, is my slowest story.
An interview with Rachel Schwartzmann
Once the search is in progress, something will be found
Celine Nguyen • Oblique Strategies for Starting a New Project
“So can you promise that you won't take your gifts for granted?"
Heather Havrilesky • 'I Published a Novel and No One Cares!'
The big prize is to discover a new fractal bud. You notice a crack in the surface of knowledge, pry it open, and there's a whole world inside.
How to Do Great Work
Life is a series of misunderstandings. We only get to decide how we respond when we don’t understand.
Anna Fusco • Let Feathers Ruffle
in the slow lane
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