Saved by Alex Glass and
You’re doing better than you think. Here’s why. - Ozan Varol
Creativity requires connecting the dots, and connecting the dots requires allowing time for my subconscious to consolidate my ideas and make associations. This means that, from time to time, I need to just stare out the window and do nothing.
This doesn’t feel productive, even though it is.
This doesn’t feel productive, even though it is.
Ozan Varol • You’re doing better than you think. Here’s why. - Ozan Varol
Stop treating knowledge work as manual work. Instead of measuring success by irrelevant or arbitrary metrics, ask yourself, Did I contribute today?
Did you advance the conversation? Did you solve a problem? Did you come up with a good idea? Did you help a colleague or a client?
Did you advance the conversation? Did you solve a problem? Did you come up with a good idea? Did you help a colleague or a client?