your outie craves routine

Myth and Metrics: How Social Media Robs Us of Ritual, and How to Revive It
Alexander Beinerbeiner.substack.com
This is our attempt to fight entropy, or to create order out of chaos. It’s our way of organizing the cacoph... See more
Lawrence Yeo • The Illusion of Control

The stories that provide us with meaning and identity are all fictional, but humans need to believe in them. It’s obvious why humans want to believe the story, but how do they actually believe? How do we make the story feel real? Priests and shamans discovered the answer to this question thousands of years ago: rituals. A ritual is a magical act th
... See moreYuval Noah Harari • 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Some of us are interested in religious studies because we are interested in people. People do religious things; they symbolize and ritualize their lives and desire to be in a community. What piqued my interest in shopping malls initially was their concrete expressions of all three of these religious impulses. Quadrilateral architecture, calendrical
... See moreJames K. A. Smith • You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit

Rituals have been crucial for humans throughout history – and we still need them
theconversation.comTo support our practice, we might set up a daily schedule, where we engage in particular rituals at specific times every day or week.