Your Ordinary Is Your Audience’s Extraordinary
The key to finding your remarkability is to think about what makes you surprising, interesting, or novel.
Mark Schaefer • The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business
Tiny Worlds: A Manifesto for Sovereign Creators—Attract, Build & Curate an Audience of True Fans
Tiny Worlds: A Manifesto for Sovereign Creators—Attract, Build & Curate an Audience of True Fans
That’s because your brand establishes what is important to convey to your audience, guides how to write copy that will draw people in, and figures out how to promote yourself in a way that stands apart from competitors and shows your audience that you are right for them.
Bill Kenney • Conquer Your Rebrand
Your personal brand is how you establish a meaningful connection with your new audience and people who don’t know you yet. It’s the story you tell that makes everything you do make sense. It builds demand
Sara Nasser Dalrymple • More Sales Please: Promote your small business online, make consistent sales, grow without the grind
If your business has a virtual home online, make it the place where people come to be inspired, motivated and educated. As the guys at 37signals would say, make it the place where you generously “out-teach the competition.”
Bernadette Jiwa • Make Your Idea Matter: Stand out with a better story
Defaulting to the norms of your industry will shape your business to be similar to the rest, where the best entrepreneurs zero-in on their self expression. Do you have an eye for good design? Inject design into a tasteless industry. Do you have a ... See more