Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
mobile phone owners still see text messages as a personal, advertising-free channel, your content must conform closely to what you promised
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
Online stores may be allowed to text shoppers when an out-of-stock item becomes available.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
mobile phone owners see their phones as very personal and private. They are reluctant to share their cell number for fear of receiving promotional content via text, or SMS. The carrot that you dangle in front of your site visitors to entice them to enter their mobile number must be highly relevant and valuable.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
It might be interesting to know if your competitors are using analytics or any of the other conversion lab equipment I’m going to introduce you to in this book. A browser plugin called Ghostery ( can tell you.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
The final conversion in an online service formula is turning customers into repeat customers. The predictive metric for renewals is login rates. This is the number of logins each month divided by the number of paying customers. You also may want to track your trial login rate, which is trial-account login divided by active trial customers.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
At the top of the conversion stack, a visitor is coming with a problem in mind,
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
You must collect explicit permission to send text messages, and be sure to remind the visitor that they may be charged by their mobile service provider before they agree.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
five primary conversion formulas: The brochure The publication The online store The consultative site The online service.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
If you have content that goes viral, you will see a great deal of traffic. However, viral traffic often will not turn into subscribers, leads, or sales. It is often low quality.
Brian Massey • Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™
Remember that a consultative site is selling informational products. Render your PDF reports and eBooks to show what they would look like if they were printed and bound. Provide pictures of DVDs complete with labels to highlight your online video. There are a number of online services, desktop software, and Photoshop plugins designed to render real
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