Yes Yes Hell No

You are love itself, when you are not afraid.
Brian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
“An old story tells of three stonecutters who were asked what they were doing. The first replied, ‘I am making a living.’ The second kept on hammering while he said, ‘I am doing the best job of stonecutting in the entire country.’ The third one looked up with a visionary gleam in his eyes and said, ‘I am building a cathedral.’” ~ La Sagrada Familia
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How do you create more love? You give it away. The same holds true for abundance. It’s all about being part of a cycle of both giving and receiving.
Brian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
We’re trained to think we should be able to do everything on our own. I certainly was. Yet growth is a team sport. While no one can do your growth work for you, it’s also remarkably difficult to do it on your own.
Brian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
Once you have a heartfelt, specific, and scary goal, ask yourself these four questions: How many hours a week are you willing to commit to this goal? For how long? How much money are you willing to invest in creating this result? How much money would you need to invest to truly be committed to this goal? What are you willing to say no to or let go
... See moreBrian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
If you want to measure your true commitment to a goal, measure how much time, money, and energy you are consciously and consistently investing in achieving that goal.
Brian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
I used to think that my tools were special, that I had the power to change lives. It sounded great and it made me feel important, until I discovered that the things I do create maybe 10 percent of the value that my clients receive. Who I’m being – where I’m at on the ladder of consciousness – is much more important, but even that constitutes only a
... See moreBrian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
Is this thing you believe in even true? How do you know that it’s true? Is it a fact or an opinion? Can you absolutely know for sure that it’s true? What does it feel like when you believe this thought? What would it feel like if you didn’t? What are the consequences of believing this thought? What would change if you didn’t?
Brian Whetten • Yes Yes Hell No
Instead of clinging to their thoughts and claiming that they’re true, Owners engage in an ongoing inquiry about whether or not their thoughts are useful. They don’t automatically believe every thought that runs through their mind. And they make a practice of noticing when they feel scared, sad, upset, or insecure, and use this as an opportunity to
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