I'm doing some research on interfaces. What are some other iconic frames/chromes? Specifically frames+chromes. E.g. Win98, MacOS, Mac (84-99), XP, etc. Doesn't have to be only OSes either! Games, apps, etc. https://t.co/WXJkkgyEJX

Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403
I'm doing some research on interfaces. What are some other iconic frames/chromes? Specifically frames+chromes. E.g. Win98, MacOS, Mac (84-99), XP, etc. Doesn't have to be only OSes either! Games, apps, etc. https://t.co/WXJkkgyEJX

Graphical User Interface Gallery


Max Chafkin Design Crazy: Good Looks, Hot Tempers, and True Genius at Apple

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UX Collective The desktop metaphor must die

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