I'm doing some research on interfaces. What are some other iconic frames/chromes? Specifically frames+chromes. E.g. Win98, MacOS, Mac (84-99), XP, etc. Doesn't have to be only OSes either! Games, apps, etc. https://t.co/WXJkkgyEJX

Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403Thumbnail of www-x-com-xhfloz-status-1707096411693580403
I'm doing some research on interfaces. What are some other iconic frames/chromes? Specifically frames+chromes. E.g. Win98, MacOS, Mac (84-99), XP, etc. Doesn't have to be only OSes either! Games, apps, etc. https://t.co/WXJkkgyEJX

UX Collective The desktop metaphor must die

The Interfaces With Which We Think

ALEXANDER OBENAUERalexanderobenauer.com
Thumbnail of The Interfaces With Which We Think

Gaby Goldberg The Command Line Comeback

Graphical User Interface Gallery

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Introducing Mercury OS – UX Collective

Jason Yuanuxdesign.cc
Thumbnail of Introducing Mercury OS – UX Collective

Gaby Goldberg The Command Line Comeback