Convicted for being a weedhead tramp in 1944

Disability began to be mapped as the group of physical and mental conditions that limited the price at which enslaved people could be sold at auction.
Ashley Shew • Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement (A Norton Short)
In late July 1906, a couple of months after their contracts with Hunt expired, the government stepped in and sent home all of the Filipinos—except five who stayed on as witnesses in Hunt's trial. The court cases dragged on. Five Filipino witnesses were kept in America until March 1907. On March 20, they too returned to the Philippines.
Linda Qiu National Geographic Published • Tribal Headhunters on Coney Island? Author Revisits Disturbing American Tale
Reagan’s first drug czar, Carlton Turner, was quoted in Time magazine as saying, “Marijuana leads to homosexuality, the breakdown of the immune system, and therefore to AIDS.” He also said marijuana use was directly linked to “the present young-adult generation’s involvement in anti-military, anti-nuclear power, anti-big business, anti-authority de
... See moreAlfred Ryan Nerz • Marijuanamerica

In the United States, the last of these laws was not repealed until 1976.