Convicted for being a weedhead tramp in 1944
It wasn’t drug abuse that was put on the run, of course, but people like me, born into this regime of “stronger law enforcement.” The stiffer sentencing policies for drug crimes—not a net increase in crime—caused the American prison population to quadruple between 1980 and 2000.
Ibram X. Kendi • How to Be an Antiracist
Essentially, if you had time to gather in a group, you must not have a job, and therefore, you’d be deemed a criminal.
John Graham • Plantation Theory: The Black Professional's Struggle Between Freedom and Security
Initially, pornography did not primarily name a set of visual images. It named a type of narrative, set in brothels.65 Called both the “father of pornography” and the “father of journalism,” Pierre Aretino (1492–1556) trafficked in this written genre,
Natalie Carnes • Image and Presence: A Christological Reflection on Iconoclasm and Iconophilia (Encountering Traditions)
Schafer and his wife, Mollie Fry, a doctor, opened a medical marijuana dispensary after Fry started using the drug to alleviate complications from chemotherapy. Despite operating the business within California state law, Schafer and Fry had their home raided by the feds, who confiscated thirty-four plants. But the feds insisted that, since they had
... See moreAlfred Ryan Nerz • Marijuanamerica
(The INS paid the PHS no mind; the old definition continued to be used until the US Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1990.)