commitment is an act of agency
That’s what commitments are—alternatives to self-obsession. Commitments free us to dedicate ourselves to something bigger than ourselves—to something beyond our shells. The French philosopher Jacques Maritain said that the meaning of life is “self-mastery for the purpose of self-giving.” This is the challenge of growing up—to turn the corner from s... See more
Pete Davis • Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing
The commitment connects you to the future when you must take the action. The action connects you to the past when you made the commitment. You will begin to experience past, present, and future as part of one continuum. It is impossible to grant time its proper respect without this sense of flowing continuity. Without it, life is a meaningless seri
... See morePhil Stutz • Lessons for Living: What Only Adversity Can Teach You

On our run I tell J: the unhealthy version of myself used to abandon things just because they got painful or inconvenient. The healthy part of me finds joyfulness in persisting in something for a very long time. In hindsight it sounds really obvious but it genuinely eluded me for a really long time: the mark of overall healthiness in spirit is bein... See more
Nix 🕊 • what's a good commitment?
Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing
Pete Davis • 4 highlights
Commitments become easier when you realize that, after enough wandering, the grass is unlikely to be greener, pursuing novelty has diminishing returns, and continuous optimizing comes at the cost of compounding—and nearly everything great compounds
When I was younger, I used to think that committing to something would feel oppressive, limiting, restrictive. But I now realize that the opposite is true — that commitment is freeing. It lets you focus . It collapses the need for you to continue considering options endlessly and instead grounds you to where you are, and helps you enjoy the rewards... See more
on trading potential for something actual
In matters of the heart, commitment brings meaning. In matters of the mind, commitment brings knowledge. And in matters of the material world, running towards the responsibility that comes with commitment takes courage — and with courage comes achievement. People can only become world-class at things they commit to.