people building tech products so often miss the point the point is to help people live a good life, not an efficient life the point is resonance, not scale the point is to deliver comfort, not just convenience the goal is not technology - the goal is human flourishing
people building tech products so often miss the point
the point is to help people live a good life, not an efficient life
the point is resonance, not scale
the point is to deliver comfort, not just convenience
the goal is not technology - the goal is human flourishing
people building tech products so often miss the point
the point is to help people live a good life, not an efficient life
the point is resonance, not scale
the point is to deliver comfort, not just convenience
the goal is not technology - the goal is human flourishing
Part of the problem with the Lean Startup mindset is that it sees life and work as an optimization problem. The point is to help people live a good life, not just an efficient life. The goal is human flourishing, not convenience. The goal is a good future, not just a technically advanced future.
the startupy newsletter • Things I'm Thinking About
This is how technology should work: starting with a human need, and a purpose, technology should extend outwards with the intent of expanding the human, not confining or reducing.
John Borthwick • Building bicycles for our minds
there’s simply no way around the fact that we’re pretty fed up with a certain philosophical framework in Silicon Valley. It has many names: the growth mindset. OKRs. KPIs. Even Minimalism — the predominant aesthetic of our era. But at its core, it all comes down to one thing: the relentless optimization of everything in our world.
this mindset has l... See more
this mindset has l... See more
The Browser Company • Optimizing for Feelings
I’m drawn to the idea of an art of living much more so than to the compulsive search for life hacks, regimens of self-improvement, or self-optimization schemes. These too often feel like a doubling down on the insistence that we can always do more if only we apply the right technique. They also suggest that the path to happiness involves the discov... See more
L. M. Sacasas • The Art of Living
This can lead to developing products that are technically impressive or aesthetically pleasing, but that don’t resonate with users because they don’t solve a significant problem or improve people’s lives in a meaningful way.
Mike Maples • 🔮 Living in the future
I’m thinking about how malleable the world is, and how easy it is to forget that. The world has, many times throughout history, reconfigured itself around strong visions.
Our desires, motivations and behaviors are constantly being shaped by incentives and systems we aren’t even aware of. So much genius and money has gone into a metaphor that assume... See more
Our desires, motivations and behaviors are constantly being shaped by incentives and systems we aren’t even aware of. So much genius and money has gone into a metaphor that assume... See more
sari azout • Taste, Conviction, Elon Musk
I want us to collectively raise the bar for what we expect from our digital experiences. Life isn't just a series of problems to be solved but moments to be lived. As we find ourselves spending more and more of our time in the digital world—especially now—we should expect that world to inspire, surprise, and dare I say, even challenge us. We are lu... See more