The Intermedia System in Hypertext: An introduction and survey by J. Conklin
The Intermedia System in Hypertext: An introduction and survey by J. Conklin
Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified.
Mike Caufield • The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral
Dynamic Body, Exploring Form, Exploring Function, by Erik Dalton.
Joanne Avison • Yoga: Fascia, Anatomy and Movement: Fascia, Form and Functional Movement
CM involves three of the nine information transfer elements (identification, selection, acquisition).
Margaret Saponaro • Collection Management Basics (Library and Information Science Text Series)
My Vision - A Forgotten History | Heptabase Public Wiki
wiki.heptabase.comThis approach to source analyses has lead to some interesting and unconventional data sources that held valuable business information, including mainframe log files, a backend scanning equipment data base, and individual worker spreadsheets.
Steve Williams • The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence
So Just Who Are These People?