The Intermedia System in Hypertext: An introduction and survey by J. Conklin
The Intermedia System in Hypertext: An introduction and survey by J. Conklin
In this future, mainstream media no longer interprets scientific information. Instead, they draw directly from the source. In fact, all scientific communication and learning, including every textbook, lecture and online course draws from the same, original, primary artifacts accessible through the same interface. Expert scientists, lay readers and ... See more
Oliver Hunt • Building a 21st century interface for science
In contrast, cells process holistically, producing big transformations with minimal effort.
Anne Berube • The Burnout Antidote
Information resource management,
Margaret Saponaro • Collection Management Basics (Library and Information Science Text Series)
Hypercycle’s vision was to use computer technology to create a hypertext-based digital repository scheme for world-wide electronic publishing that is open to all humanity and to which anyone can contribute new content. You are free to use any content in this digital repository to create your work, paying only a small fee to its original author. You can... See more
Alan Chan • My Vision: A Forgotten History
From the memex to the web to wikis to org-mode to Project Xanadu to attempts to make a map of every thought a person thinks: the augmentation of memory has been an extremely generative vision for computing. • Augmenting Long-Term Memory
So Just Who Are These People?