When sports gambling is legalized, home team losses lead to a 10 percentage point increase intimate partner violence. The effect is stronger in states that allow mobile betting—particularly around paydays and when a home team is on a winning streak. https://t.co/shfUx3xb7F https://t.co/Z9KYlIgJRk
When sports gambling is legalized, home team losses lead to a 10 percentage point increase intimate partner violence. The effect is stronger in states that allow mobile betting—particularly around paydays and when a home team is on a winning streak. https://t.co/shfUx3xb7F https://t.co/Z9KYlIgJRk
Sports betting legalization reduces net investments of households by nearly 14% overall.
$1 of sports betting reduces net investment
by over $2, increases credit card debt, but has no effect on participation in lotteries or other online gambling
https://t.co/k8JRSvj6Da... See more
The esports gambling industry is set to explode; cash is often not the chosen currency, and new betting formats are creating white space
Trends • What Is Esports? (And What It Means for Business)
One in four women (25%) and one in seven men (14%) have been the victim of “severe” physical violence by an intimate partner.
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Social Money represents the financialization of the Passion Economy and builds a bridge to the broader “gaming” industry. Imagine how fantasy sports and sports betting will evolve when fans actually own a piece of their favorite NBA player’s contract?
Marc Weinstein • Social Money
researchers have found a much stronger and clearer correlation between violent-crime levels and unemployment levels than between violent crime and race.
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Something as simple as access can cause a massive increase in substance abuse.