a motto to live by: I do not require ideal conditions to do exceptional work
a motto to live by: I do not require ideal conditions to do exceptional work
When you believe, "Even if I don't succeed with this business, I'll still have a great life" ... then you are in a much better position to give it a try.
James Clear • 3-2-1: On being bigger than your problems, personal responsibility, and inner circle friendships

If you’re going to do high-level creative work, you have to accept the messiness of your initial creations, knowing that excellence is born from the sisters of patience and iteration.
The second you start condemning young and fragile ideas, you’re toast.
the more and better access everyone has to tools, resources, etc, the clearer it becomes that the final boss bottlenecks are courage, imagination and giving a shit
If you want to feel good, brainstorm it. If you want to appear good, test it. If you want to know if you’re any good, ship it.
There is nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all. —PETER DRUCKER
Ryder Carroll • The Bullet Journal Method
Never rattled. Never frantic. Always hustling and acting with creativity. Never anything but deliberate. Never attempting to do the impossible—but everything up to that line.