Aldous Huxley
3-2-1: On living with lightness, the root cause of sin, and how to compete without losing yourself
There’s a layered quality to suffering and intense emotion. As you become interested, a tiny, elf light appears in the darkest dungeon. That’s the gate of emptiness. As you become more interested, you walk deeper into the forest and everything looks different. Sometimes it becomes joyful right away but it doesn’t need to. It’s become a path and tha
... See moreJohn Tarrant • John Tarrant : Articles
From the unbearable lightnsss of being:
“But in the love poetry of every age, the woman longs to be weighed down by the man's body. The heaviest of burdens is therefore simultaneously an image of life's most intense fulfillment. The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become.
Conversely, the ab
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The hardest thing to practice is not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by despair. When you’re overwhelmed by despair, all you can see is suffering everywhere you look. You feel as if the worst thing is happening to you. But we must remember that suffering is a kind of mud that we need in order to generate joy and happiness. Without suffering, th
... See moreThich Nhat Hanh • No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering
And so, keep peace and happiness and love as a priority in all things, have a smile and a light heart, and see what happens from there.
Arjuna Ishaya • 200% – An Instruction Manual for Living Fully
The stuff that holds you down periodically rears its head. When it does, let it go. You simply permit the pain to come up into your heart and pass through.