Aldous Huxley
Be a spirit, rather than a dumpy, heavy, physical ego. Take life in a light-hearted way—
Stuart Wilde • Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power
3-2-1: On living with lightness, the root cause of sin, and how to compete without losing yourself
RILKE WROTE: “So you must not be frightened…if a sadness rises up before you larger than any you have ever seen; if a restiveness like light and cloud shadows passes over your hands and over all you do. You must think…that life has not forgotten you.”
Sharon Salzberg • Faith
The thing is to be happy,' he said. 'No matter what. Just try that. You can. It gets to be easier and easier. It's nothing to do with circumstances. You wouldn't believe how good it is. Accept everything and then tragedy disappears. Or tragedy lightens, anyway, you're just there, going along easy in the world.
Alice Munro, Dear Life
“Thee onnlly wway ttoo ccope withh ssometthingg ddeadly sseriouss iss ttoo ttry ttoo trreatt itt a llittlle lligghtly.”