If we were designed to think solo, monologue would be easier than dialogue. Dialogue involves INCREDIBLY complex acts of prediction, coordination, task-switching and mind-reading--yet we find it MUCH easier than monologue. Why? Maybe thinking is a bicycle built for 2. https://t.co/NNK2OYgWX9

Thumbnail of www-x-com-agnescallard-status-1882866517077114888
If we were designed to think solo, monologue would be easier than dialogue. Dialogue involves INCREDIBLY complex acts of prediction, coordination, task-switching and mind-reading--yet we find it MUCH easier than monologue. Why? Maybe thinking is a bicycle built for 2. https://t.co/NNK2OYgWX9

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Mistaking fluent speech for fluent thought

[REPOST] Good Conversations Have Lots of Doorknobs

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Good Conversations Have Lots of Doorknobs

Adam Mastroianniexperimental-history.com
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Good conversations have lots of doorknobs

Thumbnail of Good conversations have lots of doorknobs

The Language Instinct

Steven Pinker

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L.M. Sacasas on Instant Messenger Over Instant Messenger

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David Graeber The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity