describe the cosmic humor that's hidden in the problem you're currently struggling with
describe the cosmic humor that's hidden in the problem you're currently struggling with
Grisha Samus and added
Stuff happens. Your stories about it determine whether it’s manageable or not.
Supritha S and added
Our external struggles with life mirror our internal struggles with integrity.
Supritha S and added
the stuff you joke about (even ironically or whatever) has a way of shaping your reality so be careful and deliberate with that stuff. a lot of people out here fumbling their own bags by joking about outcomes they don’t want. you might as well joke about the outcomes you do want
Andrew Tam added
Cosmic humor is to see the unnecessary nature of everything. This utter freedom is a primary masculine gift.
David Deida • Finding God Through Sex: Awakening the One of Spirit Through the Two of Flesh
A bad situation can feel all-consuming.
A laugh shows you’ve escaped.
Humor puts distance between an event and yourself.
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
Time belittles anything by showing it’s not as bad as it seemed.
Humor does that instantly.
A laugh shows you’ve escaped.
Humor puts distance between an event and yourself.
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
Time belittles anything by showing it’s not as bad as it seemed.
Humor does that instantly.
Derek Sivers • Here’s how to live: Laugh at life. | Derek Sivers
Youri Cviklinski added
Life got way chiller once I stopped conceptualizing it as some grand story and instead as just a participant in the cosmic chaos just tryna have a good time
sari added
Humor is the only divine quality to be found in humanity.
— Schopenhauer
— Schopenhauer
Quotes Archive
Alex Dobrenko added