3. Crypto has never had the “cover fire” of its two biggest, most Lindy, most headline assets having a free walk to ATHs. You combine that view with the view of many crypto market participants that both BTC and ETH “don’t have enough meat left on the bone”. Up 55% and up 100%?… Show more
3. Crypto has never had the “cover fire” of its two biggest, most Lindy, most headline assets having a free walk to ATHs. You combine that view with the view of many crypto market participants that both BTC and ETH “don’t have enough meat left on the bone”. Up 55% and up 100%?… Show more
Financial decision-makers will always care about truth. And crypto is turning the world into investors, just like the internet turned the world into publishers.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
Although they’re often derided as irrational, or gamblers, or YOLO traders, retail traders might be behaving perfectly rationally when you price in everything else that they’re buying: an experience, a status symbol, a digital good, belonging, entertainment, education, and more.
Packy McCormick • Software is Eating the Markets
The biggest risk to making it in crypto is short term burnout leading to long term exit. In a world where all value seems reducible to price on a Uniswap pool, it seems only natural to believe that tokens without prices have zero value. Yet I believe that the best projects will encourage ownership while deemphasizing the short-termism that liquid m... See more
Richard Kim • Spirited Reflections on a Spiraling Path
Perhaps rather than 10x better, the correct way to think of crypto is as 10x weirder. This is an entirely new financial paradigm with no historical precedent. We have no idea what all of this will do. Maybe, like the ICO boom, everything will be fraudulent garbage! Or maybe we will all get rich!
Every • Will Tokens Replace Equity?
By the end of 2028 we haven’t quite recaptured the all-time highs of crypto market capitalization, but the relevance of this all-encompassing statistic has diminished. There’s now comfortably $20+ trillion of crypto assets, but more importantly the technology has penetrated so many verticals – albeit to varying degrees – that we no longer speak in ... See more
0xSmac • A Crypto Future: 2027-2028 — A Crypto Future
Crypto is yet another polarizing topic these days. Some people are trying to figure out what the hell is going on with it, while most everyone else seems to have already made up their mind, and they usually don’t like to have their decisions questioned.
Alex Klos • The Crypto Community Is a Mess
We are in the earliest innings in this space, but I’m now more bullish on crypto than ever before because it is both an inflationary hedge and a way to empower new forms of ownership in a world that is trending towards everything becoming an investible asset.