updated 6mo ago
Robert Johnson and Jerry Ruhl on going on 'the quest', utilising symbols that arise from our own unconscious.
Jung called this process Individuation, which is really a great word for it. We move from a social and cultural identity to a truly individual sense of self. While in the first half of life we internalize aspects of our environment, in the second half we explore and express the truths which arise from within, individuating ourselves from group iden
... See morefrom The Paradox of Pursuing Happiness: Insights from Depth Psychology by Jude Star
Daniel Wentsch added
.psychologyQuests tend to manifest as an objective we center our lives around. Your quest might be to reach a specific milestone: to become a senator, to publish a book, to make a million dollars. But not all quests have an end state. You might be on a quest to maximize your net worth, or to bench-press more weight than anyone else at the gym. Maybe you’re j
... See morefrom Choose Good Quests by Markie Wagner
Reza Saeedi added
The journey is one of traveling from the neurotic aspects of the intellect to becoming a real person who is living in the truth.
from Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power by Stuart Wilde