Robert Johnson and Jerry Ruhl on going on 'the quest', utilising symbols that arise from our own unconscious.

one’s spiritual quest, it’s actually the end of the restless seeker but the beginning of exploring the infinite nature of the reality one has awoken to, as well as the inexhaustible journey of embodying that reality in the challenging terrain of your everyday life, through the priceless vehicle of your human incarnation.
Adyashanti • The Direct Way: Thirty Practices to Evoke Awakening
A quest is an adventure, and you expect it to be one. You expect a quest to take you into a new and unfamiliar landscape. You expect there to be puzzles... See more
David Cain • Do Quests, Not Goals
“The individuation journey — the psychological quest for wholeness — ends in the union of opposites; in the inner marriage of “masculine” and “feminine” aspects of the personality that can be symbolized by the image of yin and yang contained within a circle. Said more abstractly and without assigning gender, the journey toward wholeness results in
... See moreThe Artist's Journey: The Wake of the Hero's Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning
The journey is one of traveling from the neurotic aspects of the intellect to becoming a real person who is living in the truth.
Stuart Wilde • Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power
The path of power is basically a tussle between inner objectives: the mind pulling you back, and you, through determination and courage, heading constantly outwards. As you journey within yourself, facing the programming that has accumulated there, the task will seem endless. But as you clear away the debris, more energy will surround you. The clea
... See moreStuart Wilde • Affirmations: How to Expand Your personal Power and Take Back Control of Your Life
Taken symbolically, alchemy is about turning the lower, primitive aspects of the self into a purified state; to illuminate the darkness with a sense of value or meaning, making conscious what is unconscious. This becoming whole is the process Jung called individuation, which is what we’re doing with dreamwork and belonging.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home