I wholeheartedly agree with what Thomas Moore says here about the spiritual life.
To live a spiritual life is to seek to grow in love and kindness—and to persevere even when love as a perfect integration of emotion and action seems daunting or out of reach.
Shai Held • Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life
An integrated sense of spirituality understands that if we are to bring light or wisdom or compassion into the world, we must first begin with ourselves. The universal truths of spiritual life can come alive only in each particular and personal circumstance. This personal approach to practice honors both the uniqueness and the commonality of our li
... See moreJack Kornfield • A Path With Heart: The Classic Guide Through The Perils And Promises Of Spiritual Life
Our connection to the spiritual plane is the antidote to the ego’s insanity. It gives us a sense of wisdom, scale, and righteousness. It gives us confidence and power. It is the prayer that our work be used by God to make the world a better place.
Marianne Williamson • The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles
Faith is a deeply held conviction that there is a higher meaning in life that cannot be proved by outer events.
Phil Stutz • Lessons for Living: What Only Adversity Can Teach You
The intelligence of the will leads to a spiritual view of action. Whether we’re in touch with it or not, each of us has a part that wants to ceaselessly move forward and create. This is our immortal part, the higher self. It is connected to a higher life that fills us with wisdom and makes us indifferent to temporary failure. The goal of modern spi
... See morePhil Stutz • Lessons for Living: What Only Adversity Can Teach You

Being spiritual means treasuring your secret but not locking it away, seeking always to grow in soul, and acting in a way that dignifies the specialness of being human.
David J. Wolpe • Why Be Jewish?
A fifth quality of spiritual maturity is a sense of the sacred that is integrated and personal. “Integrated” in that it does not create separate compartments of our life, dividing that which is sacred from that which is not; “personal” in honoring spirituality through our own words and actions. Otherwise, our spirituality is not of any true value.
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